LGBT Hit on Houston City Council Members Who Opposed ‘Bathroom Ordinance’

Andy Taylor, the lawyer who beat the mayor in court and succeeded in having the issue placed on the ballot told Breitbart Texas, “I am honored to be on the hit list of these sore losers.” He added, “I am sure Mayor Parker and her legal department will fight this silliness with the same vigor they used to go after the sermons of Houston churches. I am an advocate of open government, but this isn’t a fact finding mission, it is just retaliation from whiners.” Taylor scored several major legal victories for Houstonians this year. The Texas Supreme Court forced the City of Houston to hold an election on the bathroom ordinance, then rejected Mayor Parker’s attempt to confuse voters with the ballot language. Taylor is also the attorney responsible for overturning the “rain tax” on Houstonians.

Photo: Breitbart Texas File Photo/Bob Price